"The rabid elite will go away, but your legacy is already registered in history"

Dear President,

I am 33 years old and I’m a journalist.

From the Northeast and Pernambucan like you. I had privileges that helped me study in good schools and attend public university. I never needed social programs that your government offered, but nonetheless I do not fail to recognize the importance of your government in the lives of millions of Brazilians when BRAZIL was a country for EVERYBODY.

I say this citing two cases that I witnessed in my life as a journalist.

I was interviewing a woman who just had gotten the keys to her apartment in a housing complex that you inaugurated here in Recife. When I approached her, she said: “It’s to speak badly of Lula, no? Because, my child, it’s God in Heaven and Lula on Earth. You don’t know what it is to sleep in a house on stilts, being awakened by rats, primarily in filth. Lula didn’t just give me a house; he gave me dignity.”

President, who is there who does not feel proud of you?

The other time was when I went to interview a resident family of a community. A humble family and a simple home. I asked to go to the bathroom. In the doorway, a sheet hung on a clothesline. When I entered I see a latrine. I took a deep breath and swallowed a cry. How could a family live in that situation, my god? Upon returning to the living room, I began the interview. The mother told me that the oldest son was missing. He was at college and it was a revelation for the family. He was in PROUNI.

Therefore, president, do not lose heart. There exist millions of Brazilians rooting for you. Millions of Brazilians that are grateful to your government

The rabid elite will go away, but your legacy is already registered in history.


We are with you.

A caring hug

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